One of the most


courses is open for enrollment...



1. Enhanced Community Engagement and Trust

Engaging directly with your community such as collaborating with local businesses, visiting local schools to provide educational talks, participating in large community events, and partnering with corporations to offer special promotions for their employees allows you to build trust and credibility.

Practices that engage in these types of community interactions see an average increase of 30% in word-of-mouth referrals within the first year!

For example, visiting senior homes to offer oral health check-ups and educational sessions can quickly establish your practice as a trusted and caring resource for the senior community and their families, not to mention attract new patients immediately.

2. Increased Patient Loyalty and Retention

Personal connections foster loyalty.

Patients who see your active involvement and genuine care for the community are more likely to remain loyal. By focusing on community engagement through strategies like visiting local businesses and offering value to their employees, practices can experience a 25% higher patient retention rate compared to those that don't.

For instance, a practice that partners with a local daycare to offer oral health education and a special promotion for children can build strong, lasting relationships with parents who become loyal patients.

3. Improved Brand Awareness and Reputation

Being visible and active in your community significantly boosts brand awareness.

Practices actively doing Ground Marketing, such as partnering with local gyms or medical centers for mutual promotions, can see up to a 40% increase in new patient inquiries due to an enhanced local reputation.

For example, setting up a collaboration with a local gym where members see you and your booth, consistently at their monthly events, can greatly increase your practice's visibility and attract health-conscious individuals immediately.

4. In-depth Understanding of Community Needs

Direct interactions with potential new patients provide real-time insights into their needs, preferences, and concerns.

Speaking with individuals at community events, local businesses, and other gatherings allows you to understand what they want from a dental practice. This immediate feedback helps you tailor your services, marketing strategies, and patient care more effectively. Practices that actively engage and respond to community feedback can improve patient satisfaction scores by 20%.

For instance, talking to parents at a local daycare might reveal a demand for family-friendly appointment times, allowing you to adjust your schedule to better serve local families.

5. Attracting New Patients Immediately

One of the most significant benefits of Ground Marketing is its ability to attract new patients almost immediately.

By implementing strategies such as offering free consultations at local businesses, participating in hundreds of events, or distributing your material through partnered local establishments, practices can see a swift increase in new patient leads and new appointments.

For example, partnering with a local luxury apartment complex to join their events, offering free consultations and special offers for new residents, and engaging the complex’s employees can result in a 20-30% increase in new patient appointments within the first few months.

By taking the Ground Marketing Course, you'll learn how to effectively achieve these outcomes, ensuring your practice maximizes the benefits and builds the strongest possible connection with your community.

The course provides specific tactics for organizing community events, collaborating with local businesses, and using real-time feedback to enhance your practice, ensuring you will have one of the strongest connections with your community and a flow of new patients.

Frequently Asked Questions  

"How will I find the time to implement ground marketing strategies?"

I understand that managing a practice is time-consuming. The Ground Marketing Course is designed with busy professionals in mind. The course breaks down strategies into manageable steps that can be integrated into your daily routine. Additionally, many of the strategies involve delegating tasks to your team, ensuring that implementation doesn't fall solely on your shoulders.

"Will Ground Marketing really be effective for my practice?"

It's natural to be skeptical about new marketing approaches. Our course includes numerous real-life case studies and testimonials from practices that have successfully implemented these strategies and seen significant growth. You can also connect with other course participants and alumni to share experiences and gain insights on what works best."

"What about the initial costs?"

While there is an initial investment in the course, the strategies taught are designed to be cost-effective and generate a high return on investment. Many Ground Marketing strategies require minimal financial outlay and focus more on time and effort. Practices that have completed the course often see a rapid increase in new patient acquisition and retention, leading to increased revenue that quickly offsets the initial cost.

"What if I'm uncomfortable stepping out of my comfort zone?"

Trying new marketing tactics can be daunting, but the course provides step-by-step guidance and support throughout the process. We offer practical tips and proven techniques that make it easier to approach community engagement with confidence. Additionally, the course includes a community Facebook Group where you can connect with other practice owners, share experiences, and gain encouragement and advice.



Here's a little preview of what's inside...

Ground Marketing, it's not just for attracting new patients immediately... it's for practices who want to have the strongest connection with the people in their community.

This is your opportunity to join the elite group of 100+ dentists who have revolutionized their practices with Ground Marketing.

They've forged unbreakable community bonds and attract new patients every week.

Don’t let this chance slip away.